The Grace Workshop Ministries

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Sunday Apr 07, 2024

The study emphasizes the significance of understanding and optimizing the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life. It explores the concept of being "filled" with the Holy Spirit, highlighting three Greek words: 'pletho', 'pleroo', and 'pleres'. These words signify the Spirit's control over the believer's mind, faculties, and completeness in the believer's life, respectively. The lesson underscores that being filled with the Spirit is not an emotional experience but involves yielding control to the Spirit, bringing the believer into obedience and conformity with God's Word. It is an ongoing, imperative command for all believers, promoting a Christ-like life characterized by worship, gratitude, and submission.
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Sunday Apr 07, 2024

In 1 Corinthians, Paul condemns the Corinthian church for tolerating sexual immorality and advises the removal of the offender. He warns against letting minor sins corrupt the entire community, urging accountability among believers. Paul emphasizes rejecting Corinth's immoral culture and adhering to Christ's teachings. He stresses the importance of church discipline, using the Corinthians' spiritual immaturity as an example, and concludes with an appeal to prioritize grace and pursue spiritual growth together.
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Double Imputation | Bible Study

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

The doctrine of double imputation is central to understanding Christian atonement, as described in 2 Corinthians 5:20-21. This doctrine teaches that, through Jesus Christ, a double transaction occurs in salvation: our sins are imputed to Him, and His righteousness is imputed to us. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life, fulfilling the Law's requirements (active obedience), and He suffered and died for our sins (passive obedience). While His death paid the penalty for our sins, His perfect life earned for us a positive righteousness. This dual imputation is God's divine plan to reconcile sinful humanity to Himself, not through our works but through Christ's perfect work on our behalf. Thus, salvation is entirely by grace, with believers clothed in Christ's righteousness and destined for eternal life, as He declared in John 10:28.
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Sunday Mar 31, 2024

In John 19:28-30, Jesus declares, "I thirst," and then receives vinegar on a sponge before saying, "It is finished," and giving up his spirit. This passage is a profound reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Despite enduring immense suffering, including a brutal scourging and crucifixion, Jesus remained steadfast in fulfilling the will of the Father. The phrase "It is finished" (translated from the Greek "Tetelestai") signifies the completion of God's plan for salvation. Jesus' sacrifice was not a result of chance or the work of evil men but was part of God's eternal plan to reconcile humanity to Himself. Jesus came to fulfill the law, to be the atoning sacrifice for sin, and to offer redemption to all who believe in Him. His declaration on the cross marks the culmination of this divine plan, ensuring salvation and victory over sin and death for all who trust in Him.
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Sunday Mar 31, 2024

In today's sermon on Romans chapter 1, the speaker underscores the gospel's core message: "It is finished," highlighting Christ's sacrifice on the cross for humanity's redemption. Emphasizing Jesus' unwavering faith and identity, from his affirmation as God's son at the transfiguration to his crucifixion, the sermon portrays his death as part of God's plan. It details Jesus' control over his death, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and concludes with his triumphant resurrection, proving his deity and promising believers eternal life through faith in Him.
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Sunday Mar 24, 2024

In this episode, we examine the significance of baptism in relation to the Holy Spirit, noting that the English term "baptized" is a transliteration of the Greek 'baptizo'. This term is used both ceremonially for water baptism and mechanically to denote God's power. 'Baptizo' signifies placing a person into a new union, not just with water. Baptism by the Holy Spirit represents the believer's union with Christ at salvation, shifting their allegiance from Satan to Christ. John the Baptist emphasized genuine salvation before baptism. There are two interpretations of baptism: water baptism by John and spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit. The belief that speaking in tongues is proof of the Holy Spirit is refuted, emphasizing faith in Jesus Christ as genuine evidence of salvation. The Holy Spirit indwells believers at the point of belief, and while continuous filling is encouraged, there's no scriptural mandate for re-baptism. Acts is viewed as a historical narrative, not a prescriptive guide, documenting the early church's transition. The gift of tongues is intended for communication and as a sign to unbelievers, not as the primary evidence of salvation.
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Sunday Mar 24, 2024

In today's episode, we explore the biblical narrative of Hannah from 1 Samuel 1 to emphasize the significance of sincere and heartfelt prayer. It draws a comparison with King David's prayer in 2 Samuel 12, showing that true prayer involves presenting one's desires to God and aligning them with His will. While both Hannah and David fasted and prayed during their trials, Hannah's request was granted, whereas David's was denied. The core message underscores the transformative power of prayer when one genuinely pours out their heart to the Lord.
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Friday Mar 22, 2024

The “blessing of Abraham” refers to justification by faith and the promise of the Holy Spirit, accessible to both Jews and Gentiles through faith in Christ, not by adhering to the Law. The Holy Spirit is received through faith, emphasizing salvation by grace through faith and not by works. We are warned in scripture against adding legalistic practices to the Gospel, urging believers to rely wholly on the Holy Spirit for Christian living.
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Sunday Mar 17, 2024

In this episode, our discussion revolves around the anointing of believers with the Holy Spirit, emphasizing its permanence and purpose in their lives. Scriptural references are provided to illustrate the concept of anointing, distinguishing it from occasional experiences or seeking continual renewal. It's stressed that the anointing is a one-time event that occurs when a person believes in Jesus Christ for salvation, ensuring the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Rather than seeking heightened spiritual experiences, believers are urged to yield to the Holy Spirit's work and abstain from sin, understanding that they already possess all they need for life and godliness through the Holy Spirit's presence.
We are inviting you to our Grow In Grace Bible Study on the Google Meet platform, on Sundays at 7:00 PM (Jamaica Time).
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Sunday Mar 17, 2024

In John 8:34-36, Jesus teaches that practicing sin leads to slavery, emphasizing the need for a new birth through faith in Him. Karen H. Jobes adds context, highlighting Jesus' offense even to believers and the universal challenge His teachings pose. Jesus contrasts slavery with sonship in a household, symbolizing His ability to liberate from sin. True freedom comes from abiding in Jesus' Word, signifying genuine discipleship. R. Kent Hughes underscores Christ's role in granting freedom and empowerment for righteous living. Believers experience liberty from sin's penalty, power, and presence, achieved by abiding in Jesus' Word.
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