The Grace Workshop Ministries
Welcome to The Grace Workshop Ministries’ Podcast, your source for unwavering guidance from the Word of God. Immerse yourself in the teachings that exclusively govern our church community, featuring content from our Sunday Sermons, Thursday Bible Studies, and Sunday evening Grow In Grace Bible Study Sessions. Join us on this journey of faith as we discuss practical applications, and embrace the transformative power of living a life grounded in the Word of God. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth or guidance as a believer, our podcast is a sanctuary for all. Tune in and embark on a meaningful exploration of faith with us.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
The lesson emphasizes Christian liberty from Galatians 5:1, contrasting grace-driven living with the bondage of legalism. Paul teaches that true freedom in Christ enables believers to live by the Holy Spirit’s power, not external rules. Legalism fosters spiritual immaturity, while grace transforms from within. The key message is that God’s love and acceptance are unearned, freeing believers to live joyfully and obediently in response to His grace.
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5 days ago
5 days ago
In this episode we explore the attributes of God, focusing on His holiness and righteousness. God’s holiness signifies His absolute moral purity and separation from sin, serving as a standard for His people to emulate. His righteousness ensures that He acts in accordance with what is right, rewarding obedience and punishing sin while offering righteousness to believers through grace. The lesson underscores the transformative power of pursuing righteousness, rooted in humility and a deep relationship with God.
We are inviting you to our Grow In Grace Bible Study on the Google Meet platform, on Sundays at 7:00 PM (Jamaica Time).
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5 days ago
5 days ago
The sermon emphasizes the doctrine of atonement, highlighting how Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection reconcile humanity to God. It distinguishes Christ's passive obedience (suffering and death to pay for sin) from His active obedience (a sinless life fulfilling the Law), both essential for salvation. Salvation is presented as a gift of grace, not human effort, with Jesus acting as a substitute to accomplish what humanity could not. It also reflects on the profound spiritual suffering Christ endured on the cross, culminating in His triumphant declaration, "It is finished," signifying the completion of redemption.
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Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
In Galatians 4:28–31, Paul uses the allegory of Hagar and Sarah to contrast law and grace, emphasizing that believers are children of the promise, like Isaac, and not of the slave, like Ishmael. He argues that the Judaizers, like Ishmael, rely on self-effort and legalism, leading to bondage, whereas true believers live by faith in God’s promise, enjoying freedom and inheritance through the Spirit. Paul insists that law and grace cannot coexist and calls for the rejection of legalism to maintain the vitality of the Gospel of grace. This passage underscores the necessity of living by faith alone in Christ alone, free from the constraints of works-based righteousness.
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Sunday Jan 12, 2025
Sunday Jan 12, 2025
In this episode, our sepaker emphasizes that the wilderness is not just a concept but a reality, serving as a place where God refines and prepares individuals for their spiritual journey. He draws on biblical examples, such as the Israelites' journey through the wilderness, to illustrate how God uses these experiences to test, humble, and teach reliance on Him. The wilderness is portrayed as a necessary phase for spiritual growth, where believers face challenges and learn to trust in God's provision and guidance. Ultimately, the message encourages believers to view their wilderness experiences as opportunities for transformation and preparation for the fulfillment of God's promises.
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Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Pride promises fulfillment but leaves us spiritually empty. In this final episode, we expose pride’s subtle lies and its toll on our connection with God and others.
Through Scripture and a compelling narrative, we’ll reveal how pride works against us and how embracing humility can lead to true freedom, love, and service in Christ.
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Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
How can we confront a sin as deeply rooted as pride? In this episode, we explore the spiritual battle against pride, uncovering its subtle disguises and far-reaching consequences. Though it may seem inescapable, we reveal why fighting pride is essential for every believer.
Together, we’ll examine how pride manifests in our lives, the harm it causes, and the practical steps we can take to overcome it—ultimately drawing closer to Christ through humility and grace.
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Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Where did pride come from, and how did it become such a powerful force in both the spiritual and earthly realms? In this episode, we explore the origins of pride by examining two pivotal passages in Scripture: Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. These verses describe the fall of Lucifer, an angel who was once perfect in beauty and wisdom but became ensnared by pride, desiring to exalt himself above God. As we walk through these scriptures, we’ll uncover the spiritual dynamics behind Lucifer’s rebellion and how pride, rooted in self-exaltation, led to his downfall.
We also reflect on how this same destructive pride affects us today, leading us into conflict with God’s will and hindering our growth in Christ.
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Pride distances us from God, disrupts relationships, and fuels strife, yet its presence often goes unnoticed in our lives. This episode portrays the biblical truth that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, as seen in Psalm 138:6 and James 4:6. Through timeless spiritual truths and practical insights, we’ll look at how to confront pride, embrace humility, and experience the life-changing grace that draws us closer to God.
As we pursue spiritual growth and deeper self-awareness, this episode challenges us to confront pride and embrace humility for true fellowship with God and others.
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Monday Jan 06, 2025
Monday Jan 06, 2025
Pride is a subtle yet powerful enemy of the believer, quietly undermining our walk with God. In this episode, we confront this great threat by grounding our discussion in Isaiah 66:1-2, where God rejects insincere worship and calls us to embrace humility, brokenness, and reverence. Drawing from Steve Gallagher's Irresistible to God, we unpack the profound truth that God is not drawn to grand structures or outward displays of devotion. Instead, He seeks hearts that are poor in spirit, grieved by sin, and fully dependent on Him.
Join us on this journey as we reflect on what it means to live as a temple of God’s presence and explore how humility can transform our relationship with the Almighty.
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