The Grace Workshop Ministries
Welcome to The Grace Workshop Ministries’ Podcast, your source for unwavering guidance from the Word of God. Immerse yourself in the teachings that exclusively govern our church community, featuring content from our Sunday Sermons, Thursday Bible Studies, and Sunday evening Grow In Grace Bible Study Sessions. Join us on this journey of faith as we discuss practical applications, and embrace the transformative power of living a life grounded in the Word of God. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth or guidance as a believer, our podcast is a sanctuary for all. Tune in and embark on a meaningful exploration of faith with us.
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
The Doctrine of Sin is fundamentally the biblical portrayal of humanity's rebellion against God and God's plan of redemption. Sin, as defined in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, is any failure to conform to God's law in act, attitude, or nature. It includes not just actions like stealing or lying but also sinful attitudes and inherent sinful nature. Proverbs and the Ten Commandments highlight that both actions and desires contrary to God's will are sinful. Sin originated with the disobedience of Adam and Eve, which brought corruption to all humanity. The New Testament underscores this through the concept of original sin, asserting that all humans inherit a sinful nature from Adam. This doctrine emphasizes sin's pervasive nature, impacting all human actions and attitudes, and underscores humanity's need for God's redemptive grace through Jesus Christ.
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Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Luke chapter 15, known as "the heart of the third Gospel," showcases God's love, mercy, and grace through three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. Each story reflects different reasons for straying from God—foolishness, ignorance, or rebellion—and emphasizes the joy in heaven when a sinner repents. Jesus uses these parables to respond to criticism from religious leaders for associating with sinners, highlighting the importance of seeking and rejoicing over the lost being found. These parables reveal spiritual truths to those eager to understand and challenge listeners to apply these lessons to their own lives.
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Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
In Galatians 3:27-28, Paul emphasizes the unity and equality of all believers in Christ. He explains that through faith and the spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit, believers are united with Christ, symbolizing that they have "put on" Christ like a garment, fully identifying with Him. This unity transcends all earthly distinctions such as ethnicity, social status, and gender. Paul asserts that in Christ, there is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female; all are equal and one in Christ Jesus. This teaching is part of Paul's broader message in Galatians against the false gospel of works, underscoring that salvation comes through faith in Jesus alone, not through adherence to the law or any external rites like circumcision or water baptism. This radical unity and equality in Christ calls for the elimination of all forms of prejudice and division within the body of believers, reflecting the transformative power of the Gospel.
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Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Luke 15 is a pivotal chapter in the Bible, where Jesus uses three parables—the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Sons—to demonstrate God's love for humanity and His desire to restore their fellowship with Him. Starting with tax collectors and sinners being drawn to Jesus, the chapter underscores His embrace of the marginalized, emphasizing mercy and inclusion. Through these stories, Jesus challenges societal norms, inviting the overlooked and despised to partake in God's kingdom, showcasing that divine grace transcends social boundaries and is available to all, particularly the least in society.
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Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
The passage outlines the shift from the Law to grace through Jesus Christ, emphasizing that while the Law highlighted sin, only faith in Jesus can justify sinners and unite them with God. This union is described as a spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit, not physical water baptism, marking a transformative relationship with God. Believers, now clothed in Christ's righteousness, are called to outwardly manifest the virtues of Christ, reflecting their inner spiritual transformation.
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Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
The Canon of Scripture is defined as the divinely inspired texts central to Christianity, with Jesus Christ as the focal point of God's self-revelation. The formation of the New Testament Canon was guided by the writings' divine qualities, their acceptance by early churches, and their apostolic origins. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would assist His disciples in recalling and interpreting His teachings accurately, a claim reflected in the authoritative writings of apostles like Paul. Early church recognition of texts such as Luke's Gospel as Scripture illustrates this discernment process. The closure of the Canon, highlighted by Revelation 22:18-19, signifies the completion of God's revelation with no further additions expected, a fact confirmed by the Holy Spirit's testimony to believers throughout history.
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Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Last week, we explored Luke 15, a key biblical chapter that uses three parables to highlight God's eagerness to reconnect with lost humanity. We discussed the misguidance of biblical chapter divisions, emphasizing how the welcoming attitude of tax collectors and sinners towards Jesus contrasted with the Jewish leaders' disdain, stemming from their roles and perceived immorality. This session also introduced the concept of Common Grace, suggesting that God's kindness is universal, benefiting all, unlike the saving grace that leads to eternal life. Through these teachings, we examined Jesus's inclusive love and considered our own approach to those viewed as 'outsiders' in society.
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Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Paul explains the transitional role of the Law from a custodian to an obsolete guardian upon the arrival of faith through Christ. Initially, the Law acted as a strict overseer, keeping sinners aware of their transgressions and the need for a savior, akin to a custodian (paidagógos) overseeing a child. This custodianship was crucial during the pre-Christ era, helping believers anticipate the atonement that Christ would fulfill. However, with Christ’s sacrifice, believers, now justified by faith, no longer require the Law’s guardianship. They have matured into full sons of God, inheriting freedom from the Law's strictures and enjoying a direct, faith-based relationship with God. This transition illustrates the fulfillment of the Law's purpose—leading humanity to Christ and thereby making its rigid demands and guardianship unnecessary in the Age of the New Covenant.
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Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Our teacher, John-Mark Bartlett, emphasizes the significance of Scripture as the conduit of God's word to His people, highlighting the importance of understanding why certain books are included in the biblical canon while others are not. He delves into the historical development of the Old Testament canon, the cessation of divinely authoritative words after a certain period, and the recognition of the New Testament writings as part of the canon based on Apostolic authority and their alignment with divine truth.
We are inviting you to our Grow In Grace Bible Study on the Google Meet platform, on Sundays at 7:00 PM (Jamaica Time).
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Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Luke 15:1-7 recounts the parable of the lost sheep, told by Jesus to highlight the value of repentance and God's joy over one sinner who repents more than ninety-nine righteous individuals who do not need repentance. The parable begins with tax collectors and sinners drawing near to Jesus to listen, while Pharisees and scribes express disapproval of Jesus associating with such individuals. In response, Jesus shares the story of a shepherd who leaves his ninety-nine sheep in the open country to search for the one lost sheep. Upon finding it, the shepherd rejoices and invites others to celebrate the recovery of his lost sheep. This story underscores the boundless compassion and rejoicing in heaven over a single repentant sinner, illustrating the depth of God's grace and the value placed on repentance.
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