The Grace Workshop Ministries

Welcome to The Grace Workshop Ministries’ Podcast, your source for unwavering guidance from the Word of God. Immerse yourself in the teachings that exclusively govern our church community, featuring content from our Sunday Sermons, Thursday Bible Studies, and Sunday evening Grow In Grace Bible Study Sessions. Join us on this journey of faith as we discuss practical applications, and embrace the transformative power of living a life grounded in the Word of God. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth or guidance as a believer, our podcast is a sanctuary for all. Tune in and embark on a meaningful exploration of faith with us.

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Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Join Pastor John-Mark Bartlett as he continues his discussion of Philippians chapter 4, focusing on verse 6 where Paul writes, "Be careful for nothing."
In a world filled with bad news and uncertainty, Pastor Bartlett guides us through Paul's timeless wisdom, showing us how to confront worries and anxieties with faith and prayer. Discover the transformative power of trusting God with everything, turning uncertainty into hope and fear into peace. Learn how prayer, gratitude, and a deep dependence on God can anchor us in turbulent times.
Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on finding spiritual resilience amidst life's challenges.
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Monday Jul 15, 2024

This week, for another installment of our "Think on These Things" series, we'll be focusing on the reassuring message, "Don’t Worry, God Cares For You" with Pastor John-Mark Bartlett.
He reads from Philippians 4:4-7, where Paul's impactful words encourage us to rejoice always in the Lord and embody moderation and self-control in our lives. Amidst today's challenges, we should learn how embracing God's care can turn worry into peace and uncertainty into hope.
Listen to this enlightening discussion on finding joy in adversity and gaining a renewed perspective through God's steadfast love. Join us as we navigate faith and life together.
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Monday Jul 15, 2024

In our study of the Doctrine of Sin, we define sin as a failure to conform to God’s moral law in action, attitude, or nature. Sinfulness is intrinsic to human nature, as highlighted in Ephesians 2:1-3 and various biblical passages like Romans 3:9-19 and Psalm 51:5, indicating that humans are sinners from birth. Pelagius's view that people are only responsible for their actions is countered by the doctrine of "Original Sin," which states that humanity inherits a sinful nature from Adam's transgression. This inherent sinfulness implies that even infants have a sinful nature and need God's grace for salvation, as seen in cases like John the Baptist, who was filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb (Luke 1:13-16). Additionally, while all sins make us legally guilty before God, some sins are considered worse than others due to their consequences and the disruption they cause in our relationship with God and others.
We are inviting you to our Grow In Grace Bible Study on the Google Meet platform, on Sundays at 7:00 PM (Jamaica Time).
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Sunday Jul 14, 2024

In the parable of the Lost Sheep, Jesus illustrates God the Father's relentless pursuit of sinners, likening Him to a shepherd who leaves ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost. The lost sheep represents sinners, who, unaware of their lost state, cannot seek God on their own. Just as the shepherd searches for and rejoices upon finding the lost sheep, God actively seeks out and redeems sinners, bringing them back into His fold with joy and compassion. This pursuit underscores the doctrine of Radical Corruption, which states that sin affects all aspects of human nature, rendering individuals incapable of seeking God. Instead, it is God who initiates and completes the process of salvation, demonstrating His grace and love. This act of seeking and saving the lost is celebrated in heaven, emphasizing the immense value God places on each sinner's repentance and return.
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Friday Jul 12, 2024

Warren Wiersbe, in his introduction to Galatians 4, argues that legalism falsely appears as spiritual maturity but actually regresses believers into spiritual immaturity. The Galatians, influenced by Judaizers, mistakenly thought the Law would make them better Christians. Paul uses the analogy of a child coming of age to illustrate that, before salvation, believers are like children under guardians, lacking freedom and maturity. He explains that living under the Law is akin to remaining in spiritual infancy. Wiersbe emphasizes that the Law was a temporary guardian until Christ's coming, which allows believers to achieve true spiritual maturity through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not legalistic rule-keeping.
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Monday Jul 08, 2024

The Doctrine of Sin defines sin as any failure to conform to God's moral law in act, attitude, or nature, highlighting that our very nature is sinful. Ephesians 2:1-3 states that before redemption by Christ, humans were sinners by nature. This inherited sinfulness, stemming from Adam's sin as explained in Romans 5:12, results in all humanity being guilty and corrupted, a concept known as "Original Sin." Despite societal constraints, our inherent corruption means we cannot please God or do spiritual good, referred to as "Radical Corruption." This doctrine emphasizes that salvation is solely a work of God, as humans are incapable of seeking God without divine intervention, highlighting the necessity of God's grace for redemption and spiritual rebirth.
We are inviting you to our Grow In Grace Bible Study on the Google Meet platform, on Sundays at 7:00 PM (Jamaica Time).
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Sunday Jul 07, 2024

In the parable of the Lost Sheep, Jesus illustrates God the Father's proactive pursuit of sinners. By asking "What man of you...", Jesus personalizes the story, prompting listeners to reflect on their own actions in times of loss. The shepherd represents Jesus, who actively seeks out the lost, highlighting the helplessness of sinners akin to sheep who stray and cannot find their way back. Various commentators emphasize the sheep's defenselessness and inability to save themselves, paralleling the sinner's plight without divine intervention. The parable underscores that salvation is initiated and completed by God alone, demonstrating His relentless love and compassion. Even when the sheep, or sinner, is unaware of their lost state, God persistently seeks and rescues them, ensuring no one is left behind.
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Sunday Jun 30, 2024

Last week, we began studying the Doctrine of Sin, focusing on humanity's history of sin and God's plan for redemption. Sin is defined as any failure to conform to God's moral law in actions, attitudes, or nature. Ephesians 2:1-3 underscores humanity's inherent sinful state. Sin opposes God's moral character, which He necessarily hates. The origin of sin lies in the willful choices of angels and humans, not in God. Adam and Eve's sin in Eden resulted in "Original Sin," meaning all humans inherit guilt and a sinful nature, making us naturally inclined to sin. While common grace allows for societal good, humans inherently cannot please God.
We are inviting you to our Grow In Grace Bible Study on the Google Meet platform, on Sundays at 7:00 PM (Jamaica Time).
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Sunday Jun 30, 2024

In the parable of the "Lost Sheep," Jesus challenges the Jewish religious leaders' understanding of God's nature by emphasizing that God actively seeks out sinners. Unlike the rabbis, who believed God welcomed penitent sinners, Jesus teaches that God takes the initiative to find and rescue the lost. This is reflected in Ezekiel 34:11-12, where God is depicted as a shepherd searching for His scattered sheep. Jesus, referring to Himself as the "Good Shepherd" in John 10:11, highlights His role in seeking and saving the lost, contrasting it with hired hands who abandon the sheep. The parable underscores God's proactive love and the secure relationship between the shepherd and his sheep, promising eternal life and security for those who follow Him.
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Thursday Jun 27, 2024

In Galatians 3:27-29, Paul explains that those who have been baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirit are united with Him and with each other, transcending all previous distinctions such as ethnicity, social status, and gender. This spiritual baptism signifies a complete identification with Christ, radically altering believers' identities and relationships. Paul emphasizes that in Christ, all believers are equally heirs to the promises made to Abraham, not through adherence to the law but through faith. This unity in Christ breaks down all barriers, creating a single, unified body of believers who must live out this reality within the church. This teaching underscores the spiritual inheritance and equality of all who belong to Christ, highlighting that salvation and God's promises are accessible to all through faith.
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